14 March, 2013



Play how He wants you to play,
Strange but in a blessed way He judges,
Tomorrow, today and yesterday,
All differently planned without begrudges,

Go with the Almighty’s will,
Dare against troubles, Dare!
And your Will will be fulfilled,
For He is your hope is despair,

Search not Him in water,
Search not Him in fire,
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop to totter!
You have what you require,

Search not Him in air,
Chase not Him in loneliness,
Search not in blood, or sweat, or tear,
Just stop and access what you possess,

Search not in a name,
For He gives it to everyone,
Search not in a fame,
Which can be overrun,

But search Him in a thought of goodness,
Search Him in a thought of faith,
For He is in everyone’s progress,
“My kingdom is within you”, He saith,

No hymn can bind Him, no ritual,
But a small act of kindness can,
Though kindness is habitual,
But in man now it’s forsaken,

Each leaf sings His glory,
Each wind carries His message,
Each drop bears His territory,
Each heart has His passage,

Hear His voice,
“I’m One in all”, He says,
And says you to rejoice,
In His prayer always


                                                                                     -Kishor Jangda

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